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China Menschenrechte Aktion
Brief-Eilaktion von amnesty international
Chinesischer Künstler in Haft verprügelt
Brief bis zum 12. November 2010 zu versenden
Redaktion: Amnesty International Schwerin
Eingestellt am  18.10.2010 Aktualitätsende 12.11.2010
Dieser Beitrag kann im vollem Umfang kostenlos und frei genutzt werden, wenn als Quelle genannt wird.
Schwerin/gc. Wu Yuren, ein bekannter Künstler, der erst vor Kurzem seine erste Soloausstellung in Hongkong präsentiert hat, begleitete am 31. Mai 2010 seinen Freund Yang Licai zur Jiuxianqiao Polizeistation. Yang wollte dort eine Anzeige gegen seinen Vermieter stellen. Beide Männer wurden auf der Wache inhaftiert.

Im Laufe des Tages wurde Wu sowohl verbal beleidigt als auch von mehreren Polizisten körperlich so misshandelt, dass er Verletzungen an Arm, Kopf und Schulter davontrug. Ärztliche Behandlung wurde ihm verweigert.

Beide Männer wurden, ohne dass ihre Familien oder Anwälte davon in Kenntnis gesetzt wurden, am 1. Juni 2010 in das Chaoyang Districthaftzentrum verlegt. Während Yang nach zehn Tagen freigelassen wurde, bleibt Wu weiterhin in Haft. Mit der Eröffnung eines Prozesses gegen ihn wird gegen Ende Oktober gerechnet.

Interessanterweise gibt es eine direkte Verbindung zwischen Wu und dem Träger des diesjährigen Friedensnobelpreises, Liu Jiaobo: Wu ist Unterzeichner der Charta 08, die im Dezember 2008 von Liu veröffentlicht wurde. Gefordert werden in der Charta grundlegende Menschen- und Demokratierechte. Und auch Mao Hengfeng wurde zuletzt wieder inhaftiert, weil sie am Tag der Urteilsverkündung gegen Liu vor dem Gericht einen öffentlichen Protest organisiert hatte.

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Mit den beigefügten Briefen an den VORSITZENDEN DES BEZIRKSGERICHTS CHAOYANG IN PEKING, dem MINISTERPRÄSIDENT DER VR CHINA und dem GENERALSTAATSANWALTSCHAFT können Sie sich für Wu Yurens sofortige und bedingungslose Freilassung, seine körperliche Unversehrtheit sowie für seinen Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung einsetzen.

Die Angelegenheit ist dringend - Amnesty hat eine Eilaktion für Wu Yuren aufgelegt. Bis zum 12. November 2010 sollen weltweit Tausende von Petitionen bei den chinesischen Behörden eingehen.

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Prime Minister of the People`s Republic of China
WEN Jiabao Guojia Zongli
The State Council General Office
2 Fuyoujie, Xichengqu
Beijingshi 100017
People´s Republic of China

copy to: Botschaft der Volksrepublik China, S.E. Herrn Wu Hongbong, Märkisches Ufer, 10179 Berlin

Your Excellency,
I am turning to you on behalf of Wu Yuren.

On 31 May 2010, Wu Yuren accompanied his friend Yang Licai to the Jiuxianqiao police station, Chaoyang District, Beijing, to assist him in filing a complaint against his landlord. The two men were put into detention in the police station. Later that same day, after verbally abusing Wu, four to five police officers dragged him out of the room where he and his friend were held, and beat him.  
During his meetings with Wu, his lawyer observed injuries to his arm, shoulder, forehead and skull resulting from the beating. The authorities have refused to investigate the allegations of beatings and have denied Wu the right to be seen by a doctor.
On 1 June 2010, Wu and Yang were transferred to the Chaoyang District Detention Centre. Neither Wu´s lawyer nor his family received official notice of his detention or formal arrest. While Yang was released after ten days, Wu remains in detention. His trial is expected to take place in late October 2010.

Your Excellency, it seems to me that, in the above case, fundamental human rights have been violated. Therefore, along with amnesty international, I urge that you use your influence in order to rectify the wrong done to Wu Yuren. Specifically, I ask you to see to it that
-    the authorities initiate an immediate and thorough investigation into the allegations that Wu Yuren was beaten in detention,
-    he is not subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment while in detention,
-    he  is ensured access to his family, lawyer, and any medical treatment he may require,
-    an independent court seriously considers Wu Yuren´s request for bail.

Yours sincerely and respectfully,
Head, Beijing Chaoyang District People´s Court
Beijingshi Chaoyangqu Fayuan
2, Chaoyang Gongyuan Nanlu
Beijingshi 100026
People´s Republic of China

copy to: Botschaft der Volksrepublik China, S.E. Herrn Wu Hongbong, Märkisches Ufer, 10179 Berlin

Dear Head,
I am turning to you on behalf of Wu Yuren.

On 31 May 2010, Wu Yuren accompanied his friend Yang Licai to the Jiuxianqiao police station, Chaoyang District, Beijing, to assist him in filing a complaint against his landlord. The two men were put into detention in the police station. Later that same day, after verbally abusing Wu, four to five police officers dragged him out of the room where he and his friend were held, and beat him.  
During his meetings with Wu, his lawyer observed injuries to his arm, shoulder, forehead and skull resulting from the beating. The authorities have refused to investigate the allegations of beatings and have denied Wu the right to be seen by a doctor.
On 1 June 2010, Wu and Yang were transferred to the Chaoyang District Detention Centre. Neither Wu´s lawyer nor his family received official notice of his detention or formal arrest. While Yang was released after ten days, Wu remains in detention. His trial is expected to take place in late October 2010.

Your Excellency, it seems to me that, in the above case, fundamental human rights have been violated. Therefore, along with amnesty international, I urge that you use your influence in order to rectify the wrong done to Wu Yuren. Specifically, I ask you to see to it that
-    the authorities initiate an immediate and thorough investigation into the allegations that Wu Yuren was beaten in detention,
-    he is not subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment while in detention,
-    he  is ensured access to his family, lawyer, and any medical treatment he may require,
-    an independent court seriously considers Wu Yuren´s request for bail.

Yours sincerely and respectfully,
Procurator General of the Supreme People´s
Procuratorate of the People`s Republic of China
CAO Jianming Jianchazhang
Zuigao Renmin Jianchayuan
147 Beiheyandajie
Beijingshi 100726
People´s Republic of China

copy to: Botschaft der Volksrepublik China, S.E. Herrn Wu Hongbong, Märkisches Ufer, 10179 Berlin

Dear Procurator-General,

I am turning to you on behalf of

Wu Yuren.

On 31 May 2010, Wu Yuren accompanied his friend Yang Licai to the Jiuxianqiao police station, Chaoyang District, Beijing, to assist him in filing a complaint against his landlord. The two men were put into detention in the police station. Later that same day, after verbally abusing Wu, four to five police officers dragged him out of the room where he and his friend were held, and beat him. During his meetings with Wu, his lawyer observed injuries to his arm, shoulder, forehead and skull resulting from the beating. The authorities have refused to investigate the allegations of beatings and have denied Wu the right to be seen by a doctor.  On 1 June 2010, Wu and Yang were transferred to the Chaoyang District Detention Centre. Neither Wu´s lawyer nor his family received official notice of his detention or formal arrest. While Yang was released after ten days, Wu remains in detention. His trial is expected to take place in late October 2010.

Your Excellency, it seems to me that, in the above case, fundamental human rights have been violated. Therefore, along with amnesty international, I urge that you use your influence in order to rectify the wrong done to Wu Yuren. Specifically, I ask you to see to it that
-    the authorities initiate an immediate and thorough investigation into the allegations that Wu Yuren was beaten in detention,
-    he is not subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment while in detention, nike air max bw pas cher , ray ban sunglasses sale , air jordan pas cher , jordan 1 retro pas cher , sac louis vuitton pas cher , longchamp pliage pas cher , jordan pas cher , sac louis vuitton pas cher , air max femme pas cher
-    he  is ensured access to his family, lawyer, and any medical treatment he may require,
-    an independent court seriously considers Wu Yuren´s request for bail.

Yours sincerely and respectfully,


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